How to avoid adolescent peer Pressure and Its Pitfalls : Ambassador of Goodwill Paris Keswani
1. Discarding the Fallacies:Many a teenager has been told repeatedly that he or she should “socialize” even if the meaning of such a phrase is ambiguous to the scholar, and yet it eventually turns out to be a subtly way to induce undesired interaction which can become inwardly recursive. While meaningful inventive time is invested by the scholar to please the propagators of this fallacy, his or her innate creativity begins to wane in isolation of his quest to become better. We have reiterated that you do not have a pressing obligation to please your peers while negating involvement in activities that will nourish your own person growth and development.2. The Myth of Upholding Peer Friendships and FraternizationsWe have to carefully emphasize that you owe no obligation whatsoever to your peers with respect to fraternizing with them or pleasing anyone who may be interested in overlapping your participation with acceptable social conformity. Once you immerse yourself into the “peer-pleasing” mindset you will plunge into a dilemma that eventually becomes distractive, addictive and counter productive to your personal development and growth.3. Friendships are Obligatory not Mandatory4. You must always remember that as a youth you are never under any obligation to have friends, fraternize with them, please them or do it to please your school’s expected social norm. You are the only one with power to decide who you associate with not based on pressure from your school or friends. Over-indulgence in for example, playing “video-games” from your peers can become an irreversible and deleterious habit especially when extrinsically induced. You should strive to create an academic objective and threshold that is intended to benefit your development and make you an important contributor to global human progress. 5. Grow Your Ideals & Objectives6. This short treatise was written to specifically appeal to the logical part of your brain constitution which naturally strives to rationalize all your behavior into topological spaces of priority. You should lay out your objectives without fear of “loosing your friends” because you expect your friends and peers to set goals for themselves not stay stagnant in a mental stationary point. Intellectual inactivity can induce a phenomenon similar to the mathematical stationary point wherein you derive joy from repetitive sedentary activities which do not improve your learning as a scholar. Sedentary activities include, but is not limited to, indulgence in non-mentally challenging activities like, repetitious video games, uninspiring computer games and other such addictive pastimes. 7. Aggressive Vulgar Communication Merges with Unnatural Restriction & Growth of Personal Vocabulary8. It is known that incessant use of vulgarities reveals a weakness in the usage of your logical acumen which starts dying gradually until there are only 4 curse words left in your mouth. The use of incessant vulgarities does not make you a “Hercules” rather, it reveals a mentally weak mindset hiding behind peer-induced speech patterns and emulations. The further you travel in the morose of vulgar speech the easier it will become to superficially empty your vocabulary vault. As a scholar, you have the capability of mastering and using over 8 million words by the time you have reached the age of 15. You are naturally designed to be moving encyclopedia of words do not let peer pressure turn you into an aggressive empty head angry for no intelligent reason other than feeling left out of the company of your peers.

1. Discarding the Fallacies:
Many a teenager has been told repeatedly that he or she should “socialize” even if the meaning of such a phrase is ambiguous to the scholar, and yet it eventually turns out to be a subtly way to induce undesired interaction which can become inwardly recursive. While meaningful inventive time is invested by the scholar to please the propagators of this fallacy, his or her innate creativity begins to wane in isolation of his quest to become better. We have reiterated that you do not have a pressing obligation to please your peers while negating involvement
in activities that will nourish your own person growth and development.
2. The Myth of Upholding Peer Friendships and Fraternizations
We have to carefully emphasize that you owe no obligation whatsoever to your peers with respect to fraternizing with them or pleasing anyone who may be interested in overlapping your participation with acceptable social conformity. Once you immerse yourself into the “peer-pleasing” mindset you will plunge into a dilemma that eventually becomes distractive, addictive and counter productive to your personal development and growth.
3. Friendships are Obligatory not Mandatory
4. You must always remember that as a youth you are never under any obligation to have friends, fraternize with them, please them or do it to please your school’s expected social norm. You are the only one with power to decide who you associate with not based on pressure from your school or friends. Over-indulgence in for example, playing “video-games” from your
peers can become an irreversible and deleterious habit especially when extrinsically induced. You should strive to create an academic objective and threshold that is intended to benefit your development and make you an important contributor to global human progress.
5. Grow Your Ideals & Objectives
6. This short treatise was written to specifically appeal to the logical part of your brain constitution which naturally strives to rationalize all your behavior into topological spaces of priority. You should lay out your objectives without fear of “loosing your friends” because you expect your friends and peers to set goals for themselves not stay stagnant in a mental
stationary point. Intellectual inactivity can induce a phenomenon similar to the mathematical stationary point wherein you derive joy from repetitive sedentary activities which do not improve your learning as a scholar. Sedentary activities include, but is not limited to, indulgence in non-mentally challenging activities like, repetitious video games, uninspiring
computer games and other such addictive pastimes.
7. Aggressive Vulgar Communication Merges with Unnatural Restriction & Growth of Personal Vocabulary
8. It is known that incessant use of vulgarities reveals a weakness in the usage of your logical acumen which starts dying gradually until there are only 4 curse words left in your mouth. The use of incessant vulgarities does not make you a “Hercules” rather, it reveals a mentally weak mindset hiding behind peer-induced speech patterns and emulations. The further you travel
in the morose of vulgar speech the easier it will become to superficially empty your vocabulary vault. As a scholar, you have the capability of mastering and using over 8 million words by the time you have reached the age of 15. You are naturally designed to be moving encyclopedia of words do not let peer pressure turn you into an aggressive empty head angry for no
intelligent reason other than feeling left out of the company of your peers.